Walk and Talk with Acorns Therapy South Lakes and Cumbria …so what is that?

I have always loved the outdoors, and strongly believe in the power of open space in helping to motivate change, and boost our emotional wellbeing. Being based in the Lake District, as part of South Lakes therapy I offer therapeutic walking counselling sessions in the local lanes and low lying fells.

There is evidence a plenty about the positive impact of exercise on mental health, and living in the South Lakes I wanted to make the most of our wonderful fells and countryside setting to help my clients.

My walk and talk therapy sessions are an option to do exactly that.

Space, to walk with me in our local lanes and fells, whilst accessing person centred counselling and therapeutic support. You receive all the same lovely non judgemental and empathic listening, and support in exploring your feelings and struggles and moving forward positively, and also get the added benefits of walking and fresh air and open space. Space to breathe and be with nature.

If weather is not our friend, as can be the case in the South Lakes fells, we can always have an indoor counselling session in my South Lakes therapy rooms when needed.

I really believe that being outdoors can be very therapeutic, and when we live somewhere and are busy going about our daily lives, we sometimes forget the positive impact that can have. I use my training, so creatively help you to feel emotionally held, and heard, and get those positive hormones going thanks to a little light exercise and a whole load of Cumbrian fresh air!

I’m no fell runner I’m afraid, and I think most people would struggle to talk whilst huffing and puffing, so don’t worry, this is very gentle exercise, focussed on emotional wellbeing and feeling positive and free.

If you would like to talk about including some walk and talk sessions into your support, do let me know.

Acorns Therapy South Lakes and Cumbria - Walk and Talk


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